Moving Over the Summer? Need New Kids Furniture?

Moving is an exciting journey for the whole family. Settling in your new home marks the start of a new chapter for everyone involved. However, the process can be a lot of work.
School, playgrounds, and friends in the new neighborhood are all important to kids during a move. However, getting comfortable in the new home with new furniture is the most important part of making a move. This is where they’ll spend most of their time, so making sure kids love their surroundings before back to school is critical.
At Maxtrix, we help families furnish their kids' rooms every day. We're experts in kids' furniture, and we're here to offer some helpful tips as you get the kids settled in your new home.
1. Plan Ahead for Delivery Times
Before moving day, make sure to organize the essentials in your new home to avoid any last-minute stress. Plan for time to lay out the new space and identify what you may need before move in.
Estimate between three and twelve weeks for new kids’ furniture and décor pieces to arrive. Setup may take a few days, so make sure you plan ahead. Check out Maxtrix shipping and delivery information to plan out your moving timeline to a tee.
2. Room Selection is Key
While the kids likely won’t get the largest room in the house, you'll need to decide which room will belong to whom. Try involving your kids in the decision. They may have some opinions worth considering.
By asking your kids’ opinions, you can understand how to make them feel comfortable in their new surroundings. Some kids may prefer to sleep close to a sibling, shut the door for privacy, or have a view of the parents’ room. This provides valuable insight into preferences that you might otherwise overlook in the excitement of the move.
3. Consider Shared Rooms
If you have the option, consider the benefits of a shared room. This could open an extra space for play or study in your home. Sharing a room may be a great choice for your family, depending on how many kids you have and the space available.
If this is the route for you, check out our bestselling bunk beds for kids. Or, go even bigger with triple bunk beds and quad bunk beds or corner bunk beds. Kids love the extra space provided by these bigger kids’ beds, from L shaped bunk beds to queen loft beds for kids.

4. Room Setups that Multitask
Give kids decision power (within reason) to determine their own surroundings. For example, if they are a little wary of their new surroundings, help them create “safe zones” like forts and make sure night lights are plugged in and working. If they are starting at a new school soon, get them set up with a dedicated study space in your new home. Check out our preschool, elementary/middle school, and high school/college guides for some tips on how to do this.
Making new friends in the neighborhood? Create a welcoming environment so new friends want to hang out at your home. A well-set-up room with plenty of space to play, relax and entertain will do the trick. Try one of our kids’ loft beds or kids’ bunk beds with slides that are sure to keep them entertained indoors for hours on end.
Custom Kids, Tween & Teen Beds Design Help
Not sure where to start? Don’t hesitate to ask for professional help! We have designers ready to help you find the right bed for your new kids’ room, tween room or teen room.
We can also help with all kinds of questions around measurements, mattress options, accessories and so much more! Here are some additional articles to also get you started:
Fit & Measurement Guide
What Size Bed is Right for My Child?
Your Guide to Selecting the Best Toddler Bed
Back to School Bedroom Furniture
Want your new kids’ furniture before it's time to go back to school? Don't miss your deadline to purchase. Many schools begin in the middle of August, so make sure you order early to ensure your child's room is set up in time. Early birds will benefit most with extra days to assemble, arrange the room, and make the space unique with accessories.
Looking for the best kids’ room setups for back to school? We have an inspiration page already set up for you. Check out our top beds and desk collections for Preschool, Elementary/Middle or High School/College students.
We're here to assist so contact our team for help with any Maxtrix beds, bunk beds, loft beds, or other products. Have a great summer!