cute toddler beds

Toddler Twins Shared Room: MyMaxtrix Sighting

Toddler Twins Shared Room: MyMaxtrix Sighting

This family is seriously the cutest. We recently introduced you to Evelyn who just upgraded her toddler room to a big girl's room with a slide low loft. Now, you get to meet her two younger siblings! These kiddos were ready to move out of their cribs and into their toddler beds. Because their parents already LOVED Maxtrix, they chose to stick with high quality and got two Maxtrix toddler beds with top tents! See this amazing twins shared room.

toddler boy and girl shared room

As with Evelyn, safety and fun were the most important factors when choosing the beds for this twins shared room. Their room was a decent size so sharing with two separate twin toddler beds with top tents was a great option. Take a look how they designed the layout so that each child had his and her individual spaces. The two area rugs really define their sides of the room.

shared space between toddler beds
However, we all know these toddlers are not ready yet to respect space those imaginary boundaries. ;) That's why their parents created a fun, shared play area in the middle of the room. Their matching nightstands provided symmetry to each side while also adding functionality for lamps, decor and cups.

toddler play area in between toddler beds

Toddler Beds for Twins Shared Room

Taking a closer look at the toddler beds, the twins love how their top tents provide a playful fort feeling. They love climbing in and out of the beds and playing hide-and-seek with the easy-to-move fabric curtains.

The curtains also pull back to make an open tent feeling; an invitation to the sibling to "come on in!"

tents for toddler beds like forts
Their toddler beds are equipped with high safety guard rails to keep the youngsters safely sleeping and playing in their "forts". The decorative finials add a nice design touch. They are easily installed as an add-on, but they can also remove them - if so desired - at a later time. 

tents that come off on toddler beds
But, let's not forget big sister and friends! Adding a pullout trundle bed creates a third sleeping quarters for guests, cousins and Evelyn! Looks like the twins also love it for nap times. :) The trundle bed is also made of solid wood and glides across the floor for easy access.

trundle bed for toddler bed

1206-001 : Underbed Storage Trundle with Slats, Natural

Trundle with Slats

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We are so excited that the twins love their new shared room! As true believers in the Maxtrix System, we know their parents may convert their beds into a different configuration when they are older. Hmm... maybe bunk beds? Stay tuned to find out!

maxtrix furniture system

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